NOTE: BE Life Update can be found on the: BE Life Blog
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Who we are:
We are a family who lives the life we are passionate about and we love sharing it with others. We own a farm cabin and trapline cabins which are both entirely off grid (solar power). Randy and I are both teachers (B.Ed degree) and Randy also has a B.A (Bachelor of Arts in English). We trap in the winter, operate a wilderness bear outfitting camp and so are in the bush for almost 9 months of the year. We trap and tan many of our hides for sale or to create fur product. Our 3 boys (Dale, 25, Shane 23 and Kole 19) have lived this simple life, and also been part of the publishing business almost their entire lives. Dale (our oldest son) is very excited about this as well because he sees that his biology degree (that he is presently working on) and writing skills will be a good fit. Shane's (our middle son) "get 'r done" skills will help set it up, will include writing and getting websites and marketing completed while apprenticing as a start to finish carpenter). Kole is our youngest, was home-schooled his whole life, then attended public school beginning in Grade 10. He now is studying at teh ,ocal collee to get his Licensed Practical Nursing (LPN) certificate. He too enjoys working with online marketing and is our PR guy. Together we plan to build a blog that we will enjoy creating and you will enjoy reading!
The Vision: ...a New Blog.
My husband, Randy and I and our 3 sons will be working together on this new venture...we call it "Bear Essential the heart of Simply Living" and as the title suggests, we will cover life issues that lead people back to the simpler priorities of life. It will focus on family, family values and simple living. We want to be able to express our deep passion for the simple things in life and the God that provides so much more than what we need.
We envision that it will include simple living articles, some how-to's (like making soap, fur tanning, etc), some personal interest articles about simplifying life, some hunting, fishing and trapping articles... many submitted by readers to truly make it a large networking "community" magazine, where readers feel a sense of ownership and pride in it as well.
The Purpose:
The purpose is to be unique, different from anything else that is out there. We want to promote family, family values and priorities that matter. We would like to see a cross between Backwoodsman (hunting fishing, trapping, survival guide)/MotherEarthNews (off grid living)/Fur Fish and Game....It will discuss a naturalistic way of life that does may include some simple technology, Alternative livestock, Hunting, Fishing and Trapping, Simple Life Hacks, Off Grid Life, From the Amish kitchen and more...