How may I contribute?
Bear Essential Life will be reader written!
We’d like to print your story!
What makes BE Life different from other blogs? It will be partially written by readers...regular people just like you who want to simply share with the rest of North America a glimpse into the way of life they know and love.
Need Content Ideas? Click here
Special Bonus for Published Submissions:
As our way of saying thanks, if your submission is published, we'll gladly create reciprocal links to your blog site as well.
Some submissions may be eligible for small cash payment or draw prizes.
So Send us YOUR Letters, Articles and Photos! Just follow these easy steps:
BELife Contribution Editor
Box 358
White Fox, SK Canada
S0J 3B0
2. Or email: [email protected]
We’d like to print your story!
What makes BE Life different from other blogs? It will be partially written by readers...regular people just like you who want to simply share with the rest of North America a glimpse into the way of life they know and love.
Need Content Ideas? Click here
Special Bonus for Published Submissions:
As our way of saying thanks, if your submission is published, we'll gladly create reciprocal links to your blog site as well.
Some submissions may be eligible for small cash payment or draw prizes.
So Send us YOUR Letters, Articles and Photos! Just follow these easy steps:
- Send us your name and phone number! Print your name, address and phone number on the first page of your story and on each photo.
- Keep it short (however longer submissions may be considered for mini-series; continued issue to issue) For short submissions. Don’t write more than 600 words; we may still need to edit or condense your letter so that we can include as many as contributors possible
- Photos. Photos. Photos. Are always needed! Send high quality colour prints (Be sure to mail copies only; we can’t be responsible for lost photos.) Put your name and information on the back of each one with details –who what when where. For digital shots a good quality 3.0 megapixel camera or better set for highest picture quality works best. Send as jpeg files .Two ways to submit:
- Snail mail –remember to Canada can sometimes take 2-3 weeks (and overnight, means in one week!)
BELife Contribution Editor
Box 358
White Fox, SK Canada
S0J 3B0
2. Or email: [email protected]
- Written submissions become our property on publication and may be used in promotions or on the website. In submitting a photo, you grant us permission to reproduce it in Bear Essential Life and in other printed media, in promotions or on the internet.